
Corporate Governance

Basic Stance

With our company policy "Reliability and Creation", Trinity Industrial Corp. believes that creating a favorable relationship with stakeholders, including our stockholders, customers, clients, local community, and employees, and providing customer-satisfying products is essential for long-term maintenance and improvement of the company value.
With this stance, we have strengthened our Corporate Governance to achieve efficient management, and to maintain and improve the soundness and transparency of our corporate activities.

Corporate Governance System

As for the system of business execution, the Management Conference, consisting of eleven full-time directors and one full-time auditor, was established to report and make resolutions on matters related to the execution of business once a week, in principle, to ensure the speedy execution of business operations. In addition, matters stipulated by laws and regulations or the Articles of Incorporation and important managerial matters are raised to the Board of Directors after thorough deliberation by the Management Conference. At the same time, prompt business execution is ensured by assigning a director in charge of each business execution division and clarifying the roles and responsibilities of each.

In addition, the Company identifies potential risks to the Company in detail and implements continuous risk reduction measures and follow-up activities. In particular, the Compliance Committee, chaired by the president, meets regularly to confirm compliance with laws and regulations , Articles of Incorporation, and internal regulations pertaining to the Group's business operations and to conduct ongoing activities to reduce compliance risks.

Trinity’s Initiatives

Compliance Promotion Activities

Trinity conducts compliance education for all employees, publishes compliance awareness news regularly, and distributes awareness messages through company newsletters and digital signage, etc., to ensure that employees are fully aware of laws and regulations, and internal rules.
In addition, an internal whistle-blower hotline has been established and is in operation to prevent compliance violations.

Compliance Education

Risk Management Activities

As ICT tools such as remote work and electronic approvals continue to increase, we have introduced a monitoring system to ensure that confidential information is protected. We are promoting educational activities and training to build an information security system, including subsidiaries, and raise employee awareness of cyber-attacks, which have rapidly increased in recent years.

Awareness-raising through digital signage

Group Management Activities

Each subsidiary company appoints a director of the company as a concurrent director on an ongoing basis and regularly participates in their Board of Directors meetings via a web conference system, etc., to exchange opinions and information.
In addition, regular regional meetings are held to review each company's business and discuss initiatives for the next fiscal year to strengthen internal control within the Group.